
In the wake of the crisis of relationality, we aim to restore our relational ways of living by instituting relational practices. What does it mean to institute relationality? It means to make relationships with human and more-than-human systems an everyday part of our systems, through our collective practices, technologies, governance, and discourse. 

Each of our projects focuses on different aspects of making relationality a recognized part of our society, as we continue to collaborate with various individual contributors and organizations.


ReBe App

The ReBe app is a ‘provotype’ and project that is utilizing technology to help encourage and provoke us into caring and engaging relationships with the ecology we are a part of. Doing so through time, space, and place-based creative prompts.

The first iteration of the app is going into beta in March 2024 when and will be tested by students in the Leadership and Innovation Lab at Universidad Continental in Peru. The following stage will be to launch the ReBe app to the public.

The critical missing aspect of environmental law is the worldview that nature is still an object of human species. IRB is working to support organizations, communities, and individuals who are actively working with the rights of nature and would like to bring in a more-than-human personhood awareness into the juridical discourse.

Rights of Nature

Relational Resource Department

While IRB supports alternatives to business as usual, we recognize that existing organizational structures require support for changes to happen from within. We’re doing this by providing a framework for a Relational Resource Department to exist along side the traditional Human Resource Department. This might take the form of existing employees taking on distributed responsibilities of these roles, or creating a Relational Resource Lead to provide these services.

Regenerative, Relational, Ecological Governance & Emergence Networking(RREGEN)

While the Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) framework has been helpful in some ways to transform our extractive policies and practices, we’re hoping to bring less abstract ways for accountability in how business is done. We also see that while their is a level of governance that can be involved, ultimately, when we work co-collaboratively with our more-than-human multispecies companions as part of a shared ecology, there is a space opened up for emergence and networking with the rest of nature. So we’re also considering calling this Regenerative, Relational, Ecological, Governance, Emergence, & Networking (RREGEN).

The human species has a lot of learning, unlearning, healing, grieving and remembering to do. All of these processes require points of access that are open to various levels of knowledge and engagement with relational and regenerative practices. 

River represents a continuous offering of possibility, always renewed yet wandering through the landscapes of ancient. Many times, our personal and collective journeys will call us towards radical renewal–and invite us to carry out a pilgrimage towards the river’s headwaters–to integrate refreshed ways of living and being.


Regenerative Relational River

We are working on developing an interactive Regenerative Relational River process. This will have features such as videos, articles, artists, in-person communities, and gatherings that you can connect with. The project will provide context and information to learn about topics of the Metacrisis and Polycrisis, The Sixth Mass Extinction, Regenerative Agriculture, Regenerative Economics, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and Plant-Herbal Wisdom.
