Donate Today

Your donation will help to achieve IRB's missions.

We'll be able to expand and continue our efforts to:

- Support Bioregions and the humans within them in ways that will bring more eco-cosmic perspectives forward so that we can see how we humans are but one of the many beings that are a part of nature and this living world. One of the major ways your donation supports this is through the development of the ReBe App which will help make this greater work more accessible to everyone.

- Bring representation, respect, reverence, and awe to our multi-species companions, through art, eduction, storytelling, community engagement and beyond. We currently publish On Relational Being and offer it for free, so your donations can help to support the continuation of this ongoing project.

- Support our emerging Fellowship team, who are actively engaged in ecological and relational projects all across the world. 

- Help to change the detrimental dominant worldview that made humans the central characters of our shared story. Transforming this in a way that places people of the human variety back into a more humble position amongst the interwoven web of all life, revealing that we are but a small part of the greater exquisite tapestry that makes up this incredible reality.